What is the difference between FP Lasers and DFB Lasers?

What is the difference between FP Lasers and DFB Lasers?

Both FP lasers and DFB lasers are common optical communication modules, so what is the difference between them? Definition of FP…

Where is the Way Out for InGaAs Photodetectors?

Where is the Way Out for InGaAs Photodetectors?

The photoconductive detector is a photodetection device made by utilizing the photoconductive effect of semiconductor materials. With the maturity of…

What are the Hazards of Photodetector Dark Current?

What are the Hazards of Photodetector Dark Current?

Photodetectors realize the function of converting light into electricity in optical communication systems, which is mainly based on the photovoltaic…

What are the Applications of Photodiodes?

What are the Applications of Photodiodes?

Like ordinary diodes, photodiodes are also semiconductor devices composed of a PN junction and also have unidirectional conduction characteristics. But in the…